+243980200610 | +243847000258 | info.lgos@lgos-rdc.com

Safe & Faster

Life goes on

+13 Years Experience

About Us

Trusted & Faster freight service provider

Life Goes On Services, LGOS in acronym is a company under law and 100% Congolese capital. Freight agency, official Customs forwarder of trust, approved by approval decision No. 787/DGDA /VKB/2016, under number 231.

It has its head office in Kinshasa in the commune of LIMETE Q/ KINGABWA avenue de l’Est N°8/7085.

Our service is at your disposal to offer you a wide choice of freight.

Service hours:
Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

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Pricing Plan

Affordable Pricing.

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You can request a quote and explain why you are requesting a specific freight. The quote process can be more efficient if you include the amount you want.


Skilled experts


Happy clients


Complete projects
Our services

Best Logistic Services

National road freight

River freight

National air freight

National air freight

River freight

Customs transit

Customs transit

Customs transit





Various services

Various services

Why choose us

Faster, Safe and Trusted Logistics Services

Faster, Safe and Trusted Logistics Services

  • Best In Industry
  • Emergency Services
  • 24/7 Customer Support

Get in iouch

Avenue de l'Est N°8/7085
Q/Kingabua C/Limete





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